Open Education Practitioner

Badge Graphic for Open Education Practitioner

I am an Open Educator, practicing one or more of the 10 dimensions of Open Education practices.

Claim configuration

This achievement may be claimed by anybody. Claims require review by 1 members who hold the achievement: Open Education Practitioner.


Provide a documentation of your Open Education practice:

  1. Access: removing barriers (economic, technological, geographical, etc.) that might prevent learners from participating in educational opportunities.
  2. Content: openness of educational materials like course content, textbooks, and learning resources e.g., (OER).
  3. Pedagogy: This dimension explores open teaching practices that encourage active learning, collaboration, and student-centered approaches.
  4. Recognition: recognizing and valuing non-traditional learning experiences and achievements.
  5. Collaboration: fostering collaboration between educators, learners, institutions, and other stakeholders.
  6. Research: promoting open access to research outputs, such as scholarly articles, data sets, and research methods.
  7. Strategy: This dimension highlights the importance of developing a clear institutional strategy for implementing Open Education practices.
  8. Technology: This focuses on using open source technologies and open document formats to create and share educational resources.
  9. Quality: maintaining high-quality standards in Open Education practices.
  10. Leadership: leadership that promotes and supports Open Education within the institution.

Badges claimed

2 people have claimed or have been awarded a badge for this achievement, but some claims may not visible if they were not accepted.

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